Small Hand Held Bouquet


A mixture of seasonal blooms & colors to accent the dress. Approximately 6" across & 10" cut. Ribbon-tied stems. Please indicate the color of your dress and any design preferences on your order form. Every item is custom designed.

Primary Flower Color:
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A mixture of seasonal blooms & colors to accent the dress. Approximately 6" across & 10" cut. Ribbon-tied stems. Please indicate the color of your dress and any design preferences on your order form. Every item is custom designed.

A mixture of seasonal blooms & colors to accent the dress. Approximately 6" across & 10" cut. Ribbon-tied stems. Please indicate the color of your dress and any design preferences on your order form. Every item is custom designed.

Matching Corsage & Pocket Square
Matching Corsage & Bout
Matching Hand Held and Pocket Square
Matching Hand Held & Bout